Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Solar System Services for water heating

In order to keep solar energy system operating efficiently, they need to be periodically inspected and maintained. For the period of the time, the components are required to repair and replaced. The precautionary measures should be taken to prevent freezing, scaling and corrosion. 

There would be some initial level of maintenance and inspection that can handle by yourself as well, but many people require qualified technician for that as well. Try to estimate the cost of the project before starting the work. In many of the projects it can be effective in terms whilst replacing them either you can shut off or remove the entire solar system than to have it repaired. 

There need to be a periodic inspection list which has to be done in order to make the working of the solar system service efficient. 

Collector Shading – check the shading of the collectors during the day either the mid morning or mid afternoon annually. Shading can greatly affect the performance of the solar collectors. The growth of vegetation over the time can also affect the shading of the solar system. The new construction can also be another factor for affecting the shading.

Collector Soiling – a regular cleaning is required for the soil collector in dry and dusty climates in order to prevent them from grime and dust.

Glazing and seals collector – examine if the cracks are there in the collector glazing, and see if the seals are working in a good condition or not. Plastic glazing, if it has gone excessively yellow then it has to be replaced. 

Wiring connections and plumbing – examine the pipes for the fluid leaks and check the duct connections as well. Ducts has to be sealed with a compound called mastic. The wiring connections should be tight as well. 

Wiring installation and piping – examine for the damage or any kind of degradation of the insulation compound covering the pipes, wiring and ducts. 

Roof penetrations the roof penetration has to be in good condition while to examine the flashing and sealant around the roof. 

Support Structures – the nuts and bolts should be tight enough when attaching the collectors in order to provide a support structure for tightness.

Pressure valve – assure that the valve is not stuck closed or open

Dampers – assure that the dampers are close and open properly 

Pumps and blowers – verify the operation of the distribution pumps and blowers. Check if they come on while the sun is shinning on the collector after mid morning. If you cannot hear the pump or the blower after the mid morning then there might be the cause of malfunctioned either the collector or the blower. 

Heat transfer fluids – The antifreeze solution has to be changed periodically in the solar heating collectors in order to make them work properly and effectively. This task can be best done by the technician. If the water has reached the high mineral content whilst circulating in the collectors. This mineral build up has to be removed from the pipe by adding a mild acidic solution in the water in every few years.

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