Monday, 20 October 2014

Ingredients Of The Price Tag of A Solar Energy System

The phenomenon of ignorance is bliss somehow appears to be suitable in the sector of energy demand and supply. A range of detailed studies into an assortment of energy solutions are able to stir public conscious by revealing the flipside of those instances, such as hydal, thermal, nuclear and likewise. In a summary, the current pace of age has made people mull over alternatives in this regard. The solar energy based modus operandi to generate electricity has begun catching the attention of people as one consequent. As a result of the appearance of this notion, the queries in connection with Solar system installation cost and Solar system maintenance cost have begun coming to the fore in search forays at various internet search engines.

Any solution to our any need does entail cost and later on maintenance, and there is no exception regarding a particular instance in power generation for domestic needs by means of energy laying in the sunlight. There is a mixture of reason that makes people resort to this particular method of fashioning energy. Top of the list is to decrease one’s share in the growth of the carbon footprint and pulling down the utility bill of electricity. The quality is to be the lodestar of any solar system, and this is one significant consideration of any Solar system installation cost. To alleviate this flipside notion of the cost component, some enterprises present the interest-free notion for a specific span of time. In order to colour calculation notions simplicity, the energy requiremtents can be classified into three chief classifications in the domestic market to have an estimate of one Solar system installation cost in a given accommodation. Small, medium, and large home categories comprise the putative three kinds. This division is based on the number of occupants. The count of one to two persons compose the first category; the second type is constituted by two to three inhabitants, and finally more than four denizens constitute the third sort.

The maintenance cost depends on the capacity of the system itself as well. The location of a solar
powered inhabitation is also counted as an element that decides what will be the final amount of Solar system maintenance cost. Furthermore, there are some issues yet to be settled regarding it. An Aussie provides surplus electricity of one’s needs for a charge and therefore may question that NEM should share the maintenance expense as well. Anyhow, one usual form of this particular maintenance bears the title of an annual inspection. The government of New South Wales has decreed to get a solar system inspected once in a year to ensure a standard of safety and efficiency. Price of this notion is more or less one hundred and fifty dollars. The second aspect is cleaning the solar panels; the greater is the number the mores is the dusting charge.

The solar system is a good alternative to lay hands on comparatively reasonably priced electricity. Moreover, consumption of this exclusive sort of energy does not add to replenishing of any resources availably supplied with our planet, the Earth. The expenditure of installing a solar energy modus operandi vary according to many influences, for example, count of people living in a home, appliances they intend to use, load and quality of pieces of equipment entailing the solution. In addition to it, there are a few regulations whose compliance results in a monetary cost, such as, an annual inspection. Besides, by dint of this phenomenon, an issue can be traced and resolved. Furthermore, cleaning of solar panels will assure that there lasts the fact of smooth sailing. A dust free instance of solar cell is capable of producing a larger amount of electricity current than a counterpart that is need of dusting. 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Installation of solar panels, a lesson of composure

It's been approximately eight years since installing a solar system at home moved from a dream to reality. You would have to learn a more important thing for installing a solar panel is patience because the actual process of installing the solar panel and running it requires a lot of patience, you will worth it. 

The solar panels are an incredible way to cut the electricity bills, but they are often too high for an upfront cost as well. 

Lease or buy a solar system? – The home owners can either lease or buy the rooftop solar panels, whereas if you go for the lease option, then the upfront, maintenance and repair cost can be handled by the leasing company only. Whereas this can be the reason behind the excessive leasing of solar panel system, where the two-third majority of the residential installation were leased. 

But because of its home-value advantages and tax, many people have decided to buy the solar panel for their homes. As the solar panels add an adequate value to house as well. Approximately average worth by $17,000 based on the sale price is being added to the value of the house. 

For the good consultation, you can go for a real state agent, where they can make easier to sell your house. The home owners get the benefits of the solar panels savings without the hassle of the installing. 

If you are planning to buy a house, you must have two things in mind

The solar system can increase your home insurance cost 

Solar systems that consist of the roof panels and inverters, which can simply convert the energy produced by the panels in the current that goes to the utility grid, these grids are used to provide the actual electricity to your home. You need to assure that the both components must have the warranties, 10 years of the inverters and 20-25 years for the panels. Each year the best quality panel leaves the only half percent of the energy efficiency conversion, which means that the each panel will be lasted for at least 30 years.

Money Factor – On the average the solar system installation cost has dropped down to approximately 75% The purchase price of the solar system can slightly be offset by the federal tax credit of 30% of the system cost. You need to know that, utility grid takes the energy produced by the solar panels offset of your usage, which is highly based on the net metering. In this case, the high production during summer time can be paid for the production during winter’s shorter periods of daylight. 

This can be replaced by the one true-up statement which reconciles 12 months of the actual electric usage with the credits of the kilowatts produced by your system. Utilities use the tier-pricing which makes the true-up bills very low when the customer whose usage is really low would be charged the cheapest amount of money.

Friday, 21 February 2014

How the Solar panel benefits us

Sustainable – the most important benefit which a solar system can benefit is free, efficient and clean. The solar system collects the sunlight during the daylight all around the year and then convert this energy into an AC current that powers your house or business. The solar panel lasts for about 30 years and their inverters can operate for 10+ years in order to compete with your house and business energy requirements. To reduce your carbon footprint, investing in a solar system is the best thing you could do for your energy requirements. 

Environmental Friendly – The are an oodles of way where you can make your house, business and life entirely Eco friendly. Either you are investing on energy efficient light bulbs to a 5 star rating appliances, but there is no better investment other than solar system installation cost. The current energy you are using is powered by the fossil fuels, which are the mixture of the dead plants and toxins preserved for over the million of years ago where they are dug up using a huge amount of energy which is carted all around the country. The usage of the fossil fuels is damaging the environment causing acid rain, smog and global warming. There is a need to alleviate the usage of fossil fuels taken out from the Earth, it also degrades the land. However, much of the fossil fuels are creating the dangerous, polluting and radioactive waste as well.

Silent – The solar panels make no noise while operating and has no moving parts as well. On the other hand, the hydro and wind conversion can make the high sound while operating sound can be a problem for your peace of mind and for your neighbors as well. Solar panels are becoming more contemporary in design with a lot of efficient features. 

Low maintenance – Solar system does not possess any moving parts, but in the case of annual hosing for dust or any other natural build up where they can easily be fitted on the top of your roof and work efficiently requiring no extra support and low maintenance charges for many years and decades. As compared to this, think of all the other investment you make and all the effort you put up for that. You must have considered the minimum effort which you can put in solar systems and get better results afterwards.

Financial Saving – The vast ration of the buyers of the solar systems is opting for its financial benefits. Apart from the other benefits of the solar system, the financial saving is the main impetus for considering the solar systems.

The investment made on solar system will result in upgrading the stock investment for security and also enhance the value of your property in a long run. 

Easy to install – the final benefit of the solar system is the ease of installing and minimum solar system installation cost, where the system installed within the days depending on the size of the system. It will help you in reducing your impact on the environment while getting the best return on your investment.


Thursday, 30 January 2014

The benefits of Solar Pool Heating System

To run a heating system with the help of solar energy is definitely a future changing idea contrived by the scientists and the technologists who understand the galore of the possibilities captured in the Solar Heating system. As the concept was to use the solar energy through the conversion devices which has sent off a buzz in the market, where the solar heating has become the obvious and an easy choice for the general consumers who are seriously stressed out by the energy consumption bills at the end of every month.

The solar heating system offers an oodles of benefits that has made the technology a million dollar invention. 

Solar pool heaters run by the solar absorber which is tub on the roof to transfer solar heat into the pool water through passing the tubes. The solar system is a reliable system for all round the year. It works by making an availability of the lukewarm water in the pool by raising its temperature for 3 to 5 degrees above the usual temperature, by allowing you to relax in the pool for a bit longer and extend the summer season for several months. Since the systems are running under the solar heat, the water temperature will going to be warmed for the longer period of time. 

The sunlight is an energy resource which is free for all where the monthly expenditure of the devices used in the solar system are relatively very low. The initial solar pool heating cost is the same as the electronic versions, but the recurrent cost is far lower than the other electronic versions. Now we can say that warm water in your pool is available to you at the cost of running a solar pump. 

Some of the benefits are listed beneath that are reserved for the solar pool heating system. 

It will allow you to extend your swimming season up to 9 months of the year

It allows you to have a low running cost other than electric or gas

It adds a huge value to your home and pool

If you have installed with a coexisting filter pump then there will be no power needed to heat the pool

You can enjoy an automatic or the manual temperature controller for the pool water 

It will be an extremely quiet during the operation

It can easily install for the North, East or the Western roofs as well 

It can also be used with any supplementary heating system as well 

Its life expectancy is around 20-30 years. 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Which one is better PV or Thermal?

The solar thermal water heating is now a temperamental thing. Water has a lot of weight, it expands when it freezes and it caused a severe damage to the pipes when it boils. On the other hand, the solar thermal systems are wonderfully efficient and many of the systems are able to work perfectly for over the decades but if the regular inspection is given to them. When the solar thermal system fails and it has been clear to some point of time that the solar thermal water heating is expected for the very-low heat usage like the solar pool heating companies are offering. 

For a long time, the wisdom has been shown the relative efficiency advantage of the solar thermal technology for the water heating which outweighs availability of the electric water heating. The capacity of the solar thermal to collect more energy is powering a conventional electric water heater alone with the solar thermal system.
There have been reductions in the solar electric (PV) costs and there has been a maturation of air-to-water heat pump technology as well, which have provided a new model which is solar-electric assisted heat pump water heating that has the fewest drawbacks other than the solar thermal. 

PV Advantages 

Lower cost – we have seen that the lowest cost has open the system with a proven results for the domestic water heating where the installation cost of the solar thermal has to based on the closed loop with the two tank system and has to be fully installed as well. The average cost for this system has to be designed for the family of four in a minimum range of the price tag for the residential applications.

The use of a heat pump water heater with an efficiency factor for about EF of 2.5 and an 1,800 kWh per year rating where the grid of 1 to 1.3 kW of PV has been added to an existing installation system in a region. 

Easier to install – A water heater can be replace by another single tank and you can add three to five additional modules in the PV system is really convenient instead of replacing the two tanks and the pipes, where the heat transfer fluid to the heavy rooftop should be pressure tested and has to be charged after installation. This can be result in less opportunity for the installation errors to be taken place. 

Less space usage – the solar thermal system requires a backup source where the two tanks are required, the one for the backup and the other one is for the solar system. You cannot save the space, while eliminating the usage of tank heaters as long as the tank heater can regulate the heat flow to the really low point as well in order to meet maximum demand. 

Low maintenance – Even when the solar thermal system has stopped working, but it does not fail to produce the energy. The electronic controller and the circulator pumps have to be inspected on the yearly basis, which assure that they are functioning properly and there should not be any scale of the system corrosion which may lead to the system failure.